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Mantrax Software Solutions is a full-service software development and advisory firm. Our expertise extends to partnering with brands, organizations, and startups, offering specialized services ranging from software application development, legacy application modernization, database and cloud services and AI enablement with Microsoft Azure AI.
  • 100% white label solutions
  • 100% agile development methodology
  • Unwavering commitment to transparency
  • Individual project oversight by Partners with extensive experience in large-scale digital transformations
  • Technology agnosticism


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Engineering Blog

traditional development methods

Breaking Free from Traditional Methods: Why Agile is the Future of Software Development  

In today’s fast-paced and dynamic business environment, traditional software development methods, such as waterfall, often fall short of meeting the ever-changing needs and expectations of customers. This is where agile methodology shines. Agile development offers a transformative approach to software development that prioritizes iterative feedback cadence, flexibility, collaboration, and end-user engagement in the full project cycle.  Explore the core principles and challenges of agile development and discover how Mantrax is using Agile Methodology to revolutionize software solutions. Core Principals of Agile Methodology Iterative and Incremental Approach Traditional software development methods typically follow a linear, waterfall approach. Instead, agile development adopts…
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Decoding Expenses: Senior Software Developer vs. Development Partner  

In the rapidly evolving world of technology, businesses and organizations face a pivotal decision when seeking to bring their software dreams to life or to help optimize critical business processes. Should they invest in hiring a senior software developer to join their in-house team, or explore the alternative of engaging a development partner to steer their projects towards success? Both avenues offer unique advantages and challenges, making it essential to gain a comprehensive understanding of the costs associated with each option. When it comes to making the crucial choice between hiring a Senior Software Developer and engaging a Development Partner,…
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Software development

Efficient Software Application Modernization

Software Application Modernization – How to make the most of your efforts In the pursuit of progress, our technological systems are constantly evolving. Older software needs to be up to speed with the flexibility and agility of newer applications. Software application modernization is ideal when your legacy software is suffering from symptoms of slow processes, security risks, competition, and decreased user satisfaction. The beauty of innovation is that it constantly improves obsolete methods of operations while also fostering growth for your long-term success.  Legacy software that’s “stable and works”, isn’t enough. If you want your company to thrive in the…
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Cloud migration

How to Ensure Efficient Cloud Migration

In early 2020, when government-imposed lockdowns were being implemented to contain the spread of COVID-19, the retail industry took a heavy hit. The impact was felt more by retailers whose revenue depended primarily on foot traffic rather than online sales channels. One of the popular retail chains in Canada had to face the embarrassment of their website being non-functional for more than a day due to the inability of their system to scale with increasing demand. As clichéd as it may sound, “hindsight is always 20/20!” So, what’s next? Enter public clouds. Using the same infrastructure and network backbone used…
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legacy app modernization

Maximizing Business Growth: The Power of Productizing Your Service Offering with Software Solutions  

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, organizations are constantly seeking strategies to achieve sustainable growth and success. One such strategy that has gained significant importance is productization. By transforming services into scalable, profitable, and marketable products, businesses can unlock new opportunities, increase efficiency, and meet evolving customer demands.  Understanding Productization Productization is not limited to making a product marketable; it involves transforming services or ideas into well-defined, standardized, and repeatable offerings that can be easily consumed by a wider audience. The objective is to enable scalability and profitability by standardizing and streamlining the delivery by leveraging software solutions. By treating…
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Modernizing Your Legacy CMS/AMS: Unraveling Key Questions  

Membership-based organizations such as professional associations, trade associations, foundations, regulatory bodies, non-profits, unions, clubs, voluntary associations, chamber of commerce, board of trades, and guilds face the challenge of adapting to changing member expectations and technological advancements. Customized Association Management Software (AMS) is increasingly becoming a necessity for organizations with unique requirements and a substantial member base. Read further to discover insights about modernizing your Legacy CMS/AMS successfully while learning valuable solutions. Why Consider Custom Applications? Membership-based organizations are responsible for managing complex agreements and contracts that directly impact their members’ benefits and opportunities. For instance, in the film production industry,…
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The Crucial Role of Wireframes in Software Solutions  

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, wireframes stand as foundational pillars that give life to the abstract and bring structure to the visionary. These conceptual blueprints are the initial stepping stones, guiding the intricate journey of transforming ideas into functional digital interfaces. Wireframes as Visual Translators Wireframes act as a translator, bridging the language gaps that often exist between designers, developers, and stakeholders. In a world where understanding can make or break a project, wireframes provide the visual context that words might struggle to articulate. They capture the vision and intent, transforming abstract discussions into tangible representations and helping…
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legacy software

Updating Legacy Systems: Continuous Optimization vs Replacement

Legacy software refers to outdated applications based on obsolete technology and standards. Avoiding legacy software is typically very difficult; it’s the result of past technology choices. Outdated applications do pose a growing problem for many companies. Applications should be able to last for decades, but in practice, they are only modern for three years and can then be considered legacy for the rest of their lifespan. This while the application often support a business-critical processes. Definition: A legacy system is outdated computing software and/or hardware that is still in use. The system still meets the needs it was originally designed for, but doesn’t…
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Intuitive Design

UX/UI Design: Understanding User-Centered Software Development

User Interface (UI) is what the software team designs for the end users to perform actions. However, the design of the UI may not align with what the End Users may think is logical or optimal. This is where User Experience (UX) design comes into play. UX design considers how the End User will logically and intuitively navigate through the application. The goal of the UX design is to align the UI with what most Users will find logical and intuitive. What Should Your UX Design Process Entail? 1. Be Clear on Business Objectives: Start by having a clear understanding…
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