Expert Front End Web Development Services

User experience and user interface design is key to the success of any application. It’s the key differentiator between your app and the competition. Our front-end UX/UI team aims to deliver delightful and intuitive user experiences, every single time.

The process begins with understanding business requirements and your users. After prototyping and user testing, user experiences are coded into the application.

Application Modernization Trusted by a Diverse Array of Clients

Front-end Development Projects at Mantrax can be as simple as creating reusable templates using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, to writing Single Page Applications (SPA) and Progressive Web Apps (PWA) using popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries like Angular, React, and Vue.

With our mobile-first approach in all front-end development projects, we guarantee that you will get a user-friendly, responsive and visually appealing product, which will exceed your expectations for a modern user interface (UI).

Our Guiding Principles for Front-end Development

Mobile Applications

Any user interface delivered by Mantrax is tested rigorously for responsiveness. That is, your application will display optimally on all types of devices and screen sizes, from large screens to tiny mobile screens.

Gracefully Degrade

Devices get obsolete over time (for example, BlackBerry phones with QWERTY keyboards). That does not mean your application’s front-end will break on those devices. For example, using media queries, we ensure that if a certain device does not meet the minimum requirements for optimal display and performance, we display a clean message to the user to use a different device. We perform several checks in the DOM (Document Object Model) to handle graceful degradation.

Comply with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)

This involves creating content that can be navigated, understood, and interacted with by all users, regardless of their abilities or impairments. 

Focus on Joy of Usage and User Experience

Our front-end developers collaborate with the backend developers, designers and user experience (UX) specialists to create intuitive UIs, which lead to improved end user engagement and in turn, boost productivity. From lazy loading components to content caching, we focus on ensuring your users will get the optimal user experience.

Separation of Concerns

Principles of good front-end design mandate one thing more than anything else – build UI components which are completely free from business logic. At Mantrax, we follow something called the HMD (Hierarchical Modular Design) philosophy where front-end and backend developers work together to achieve a Lego-like ecosystem. Following HMD, complex applications are built using numerous smaller components working harmoniously together in a parent-child relationship.

Client Approval is a Must

When it comes to your website or mobile app, you are the captain of the ship. We can provide you with our recommendations and professional advice, but nothing gets developed until we get your consent. For any significant front-end product, we always create wireframes and functional prototypes before writing a single line of code. That way, you have a solid idea about what you will get at the end and have something to compare the final product with. This removes ambiguity and leads to greater customer satisfaction.

Front-end Must be Independent of the Backend

We build your product with a tiered approach. You may have a legacy backend which you intend to swap out in the future or you may have multiple server side programming languages (Node JS, PHP, Python, C# etc.) supporting your backend. The front-end components depend on data being passed to them in a JSON format (the de facto format of information exchange for quite some time now). As long as that is the case, the front-end development is totally decoupled from the backend development process.

Designed to Delight While Elevating Your Application’s Visual Impact

Mobile Applications

  • Optimized for modern mobile devices
  • Responsive and engaging
  • Easy to use
  • Designed for end users
  • User experience refinement
  • Designed for any Mobile App
  • Hybrid
  • Native
  • PWA
  • App Store Guidelines and Submission

Multi-Tenant SaaS

  • User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Design
  • Front-end Technology Stack Selection
  • Responsive Design
  • Marketplace Apps
  • Front-end Development
  • API Integration
  • Testing and Debugging
  • Security Implementation
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment
  • Documentation and Support

User Experience

  • User Experience (UX) Design
  • UI Design
  • Subscription Based Services
  • Marketplace Apps
  • Payment Gateway Setup
  • Mobile Applications
  • Hybrid
  • Native
  • PWA
  • Application Modernization

Your Front-End UX and UI Development Team with over 15 years of Experience

Front-End UX and UI Development Team

Our User Experience, User Interface and Front-End Design services ensure you have visually appealing, brand strengthening digital interfaces that engage, attract and retain your users. At Mantrax, we deliver User Interface Solutions tailored individually to your audience, reflect customer values, as well as effectively back up your business objectives.

Our adept developers provide real estate CRM software development services as well as other custom software applications. Does your online software or customer-facing portal need a facelift? From dynamic payment gateway setup to full-scale subscription service support, our team will support your company from startup through maturity. That includes all versions of mobile apps from progressive to hybrid to native.

User Experiences, Tailored to Your Organizational Needs

If your business still relies on legacy systems for important processes, it might be time to update things. At Mantrax, we can help. Our team specializes in cloud migrations, custom enterprise software development, application modernization, and other digital transformation services.

Leveraging usage monitoring and infrastructure setup tools like Terraform and Ansible, we use cloud technology to position you for scalability while our industry-leading business intelligence services help you feed, monitor, and improve your KPI funnels.

The best part? We do this without negatively impacting the daily operations of your company, the journey of your customers, or your short-term profitability.

Talented Developers, Skilled in Over 20 Industry Leading Technologies

Ionic Platform Custom Software Development
Front-end app development
MS SQL Server/Azure SQL
Oracle Database Development
Cosmos DB
Amazon DynamoDB
In-memory Databases

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Our Agile Development Process

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Feel Confident with Our Best-In-Class Warranty

We’re a custom software development company that’s ready to stand behind our work, and we provide an industry-leading ONE-YEAR warranty to prove it. Our rigorous test-driven approach is designed to support your business goals and ensure your software performs at the highest level. However, should a bug or two develop, we’ll deliver unlimited fixes for an entire year.