Why project teams should embrace Agile methodology

Why project teams should embrace Agile methodology

Imagine having spent thousands of dollars on a project and presenting an output to the business that doesn’t meet their expectations or requirements.  This scenario often unfolds with the traditional waterfall project approach. Even if a monthly demo is held, there is still the chance that the project has gone adrift. Even if your team working on a project is small, that could still equate to thousands of dollars in sunk cost.  

In contrast, Agile methodology eliminates the traditional pitfalls of waterfall project methodologies with more productive processes. Such as dividing project deliverables into manageable installments and engaging the end users in the full project cycle.  


There are a lot of contexts available on Agile principles and processes. Below we have outlined the basics of how Agile projects are run:

  1. Work is estimated for 2-weeks at a time (these intervals are called ‘sprints’).
  2. Status quo is parked outside the agile room; all project members are on an equal platform and each member has a specific role to play.
  3. At the beginning of each sprint there is a sprint planning session where the deliverable is identified and each member writes down her/his tasks to perform in the next two weeks. Each task has an effort estimate (in days or points).
  4. Collaboration happens face-to-face in the project room so less time is wasted in electronic communication.
  5. There is a 10-15 minute daily scrum where each member identifies three things:
    • What they worked on the previous day
    • What they plan to be working on the current day
    • Are there are roadblocks
  6. At the end of each sprint there is a product demo and a sprint retrospective.
    • This is a great time for the product owner to give her/his feedback. The feedback can be taken into account at the next sprint planning session, depending on the severity.
    • The sprint retrospective is a great time to identify what the team did well, and what didn’t go so well. It is also a time to suggest improvements and register appreciation

Organizations and project teams sometimes find it very complicated or overwhelming to adopt Agile methodology, however, there is a pattern, and fortunately, the paradigm becomes seamless after one or two sprints. The benefits of Agile are immense, from economics to team engagement and speeding up project delivery.  

At Mantrax we are big Agile advocates and can help any team adopt this amazing development paradigm. If you’re interested in going Agile, please reach out to us for a no-obligation consultation.


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